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Concentration is key in effective leadership

Concentration is key in effective leadership

Concentration is key in effective leadership. It impacts decision-making, listening, strategic planning, and emotional intelligence. If you’ve been finding it challenging, here are a few quick tips to get you started:

  1. Set Priorities: Identify your most important tasks and focus on them first.
  1. Limit Distractions: Minimise interruptions and create a dedicated work environment.
  1. Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness exercises to improve your concentration.
  1. Take Breaks: Short, regular breaks can refresh your mind and boost focus.
  1. Stay Organised: Keep your tasks and goals well-organised to reduce mental clutter.

If you’d like to explore more strategies tailored to your unique leadership challenges, DM us. Together, we’ll work on enhancing your leadership skills.

Oops! Failing to Scale? Losing Customers and Staff? Let’s Turn Things Around!

Oops! Failing to Scale? Losing Customers and Staff? Let’s Turn Things Around!

Hey there, business owners! So, you’re facing some scaling issues, and it seems like the consequences are starting to pile up – losing customers and staff. But fear not! I’m here to be your coach and guide you through this bumpy journey. Let’s dive in and find some solutions together!

Finding the Root Causes:

First things first, let’s figure out why scaling is turning into a nightmare. Here are a few common culprits:

  1. Poor Planning and Execution: Did you jump into scaling without a solid plan? It’s time to step back and strategize. Get to know your market, estimate the resources you’ll need, and make sure your execution game is on point.
  2. Communication Breakdown: Are your teams operating in silos or not on the same page? It’s time to break down those walls and foster better communication. Align everyone with your vision and encourage collaboration to avoid frustrating your customers and employees.
  3. Struggling with Scalability: Is your infrastructure cracking under the pressure of growth? Take a closer look at your systems, processes, and technology. If they’re outdated or inefficient, it’s time for an upgrade to keep up with the demands.

The Consequences – Ouch!

Let’s face it, failing to scale has its consequences, and they can hurt. Here’s what you need to watch out for:

  1. Lost Customers: When you can’t meet customer demands, they won’t stick around. Late deliveries, decreased quality, or poor customer service can drive them away faster than you can say “scaling nightmare.” Retaining customer trust is key.
  2. Farewell, Staff: Unhappy employees = high turnover. If your team feels demotivated and stuck, they’ll start looking for greener pastures. Remember, they’re the backbone of your business, so keep them engaged and excited about their work.
  3. Falling Behind the Competition: In the blink of an eye, your competitors can swoop in and steal the spotlight. If you can’t keep up with the pace, offering innovative solutions and top-notch customer experiences, you risk becoming yesterday’s news.

Strategies to Bounce Back:

Now, let’s get to the good part – turning the tide and getting back on track. Here are some practical strategies to help you regain your footing:

  1. Plan with Purpose: Take the time to map out your growth journey. Research the market, set clear goals, and create a roadmap. Regularly assess your progress, make adjustments when needed, and execute your plans with gusto.
  2. Open the Lines of Communication: Break down those departmental barriers and encourage teamwork. Make sure everyone understands your vision and how their role contributes to scaling success. When everyone’s on the same wavelength, magic can happen.
  3. Upgrade and Streamline: If your systems and processes are dragging you down, it’s time to level up. Embrace technology, automate repetitive tasks, and find ways to improve efficiency. A well-oiled machine can handle growth like a pro.
  4. Happy Customers, Happy Days: Your customers are the heart and soul of your business. Listen to their feedback, adapt your offerings to their needs, and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service. Keep them happy, and they’ll stick around through thick and thin.
  5. Empower Your Dream Team: Invest in your employees’ growth, provide them with opportunities to shine, and recognize their hard work. Cultivate a positive work environment that fosters collaboration, decision-making, and innovation. When your team feels valued, they’ll be your biggest asset.
  • Conclusion:

Scaling challenges may have knocked you down, but remember, it’s not the end of the world! By identifying the root causes, addressing the consequences head-on, and implementing these strategies, you can turn things around. Stay focused, keep your customers and employees at the center of your plans, and you’ll find your way to success once again. I believe in you, champion! Now go out there and conquer the scaling mountain!


What specific challenges are you currently facing in scaling your business, and how have they impacted your customers and staff? Let me know in the comments below!

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5-5-5 conversations

5-5-5 conversations

How many times have you been in this situation:

You have a problem (let’s keep this at work) so you remember the adage “many hands make light work” so you call a meeting to have discussion and brainstorm some ideas. Somewhere during the discussion it all falls apart …

…and nothing gets done

After attending a recent masterclass with Keith Ferrazzi, he introduced the 5-5-5 conversation framework, and it’s one way to focus the attention of everyone to finding actionable solutions.

It’s 15 minutes (so even the short-attention-span attendees can stay put!) broken up into three 5-minute segments.


The goal here is for the presenter (the person wanting help) is to inform everyone what they know so far.

Some key things you need to include (and anything else relevant)

  • What is the challenge / what are you trying to accomplish?
  • Who
    • are the stakeholders
    • in what capacities
  • When
    • are the key milestones (dates/times)
    • are there any deadlines
  • What
    • have you done
    • have you tried
    • have you learned so far
    • are you thinking of trying


The goal for the group here is to make sure everyone understands the challenge, the situation and complexities surrounding it. This is purely an exploration of the scope of the challenge.

Questions to uncover might include

  • How will you know you’ve succeeded?
  • How will you measure the result?
  • What options have you excluded and why?
  • What research have you done?
  • Have you spoken to [individual/group]?
  • Have you considered [abc] as a risk?


The final element is for the group, having heard the problem and asked questions, is to come up with actions the presenter can undertake.

It can help to link the action/suggestion to the problem eg:

“I suggest you speak to Bob. He’s the product manager, and knows about how many widgets we can produce per week. This will help you understand how long it will take to fulfil the customer’s order”


“Instead of preselecting the widget colour, could the customer choose a colour and then we can paint it at the end?”

The 5-5-5 structure enables people to quickly get to the heart of a problem, enabling the “many minds” of the company with different knowledge and perspectives to enhance ideas. It’s not the only structure, and won’t work in every situation, but it’s often a good “first” when you’re facing a problem.

Want to work more in 5-5-5?

How Good Is Your Decision Making? Find Out In These 4 Tests

How Good Is Your Decision Making? Find Out In These 4 Tests

Do you find yourself making bad decisions? If so, it may be time to take a closer look at your decision-making process. In this article, we will outline four tests that can help you determine if you are making good or bad decisions.

1: The Fish Bowl Test

The Fish Bowl Test is a decision-making tool used in organisations to help individuals make better decisions. The test is based on the idea that when people are in a fishbowl; they are more likely to make decisions that are in their own best interest. The test consists of five questions and is used to assess how well an individual decides under pressure.

The Fish Bowl Test has been found to be a reliable tool for assessing decision making under pressure. Individuals who score high on the test tend to make better decisions that are in their own best interest. This is because they are less likely to be influenced by others and more likely to focus on what is best for them. Organizations can use the information gleaned from the Fish Bowl Test to help improve decision-making skills within their employees.

2: The Cake Test

The Cake Test is another decision-making tool used in organizations to help individuals make better decisions. The test is based on the idea that people are more likely to make decisions that are in their own best interest when they have something to lose. The test is based on three questions and is used to assess how well an individual makes decisions under pressure.

The Cake Test has been found to be a reliable tool for assessing decision making under pressure. Individuals who score high on the test tend to make better decisions that are in their own best interest. This is because they are less likely to be influenced by others and more likely to focus on what is best for them. Organizations can use the information gleaned from the Cake Test to help improve decision-making skills within their employees.

3: The Jigsaw Puzzle Test

The Jigsaw Puzzle Test is a decision-making tool used in organizations to help individuals make better decisions. The test is based on the idea that people are more likely to make decisions that are in the best interests of all parties when there is a lot of information involved. The test consists of six questions and is used to assess how well an individual makes decisions under pressure.

The Jigsaw Puzzle Test has been found to be a reliable tool for assessing decision making under pressure. Individuals who score high on the test tend to make better decisions that are in the best interests of all parties. This is because they are less likely to be influenced by others and more likely to focus on what is best for everyone involved. Organizations can use the information gleaned from the Jigsaw Puzzle Test to help improve decision-making skills among their employees.

4: The Elevator Test

There has been a recent trend in the business world to use the “elevator test” to evaluate decision making. The elevator test is a technique used to evaluate how well someone can decide under pressure. 

The elevator test comprises three questions: 

1. What is the best course of action? 

2. What are the potential consequences of that action? 

3. How likely are the potential consequences?

It is important for decision makers to understand what factors go into making good decisions under pressure. Knowing the different pressures and how they impact decision making can help improve one’s ability to make sound choices in difficult situations.


These are just a few simple tests that can help you determine if your decision-making skills are on par with those of other people.

The decision-making tests are a great way to assess your ability to reason and decide. The tests help you evaluate how well you use context when deciding.

One take away from the decision-making tests is that you need to be aware of the information that is available to you and the consequences of your decisions. Another takeaway is that you should always think about what other options might exist before making a choice.

By taking these tests and analysing your results, you can improve your ability to make sound decisions in all areas of life.

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